Wednesday, 8 June 2011

start where you are, 
the path is 
wherever you are standing.

The insight  that Dennis River's words bring can stand on its own as a platform for new beginnings. How much do we take miss in the magic moments because we take the mundane and make it the standard for our lives?

Everyday the Earth gives me life
in a thousand ways, but I could say
well, it’s just an ordinary day,
nothing new, same as yesterday.
How is it that have I set
my threshold of gratitude so high
that it sometimes seems
nothing short of winning a galactic lottery,
the prize to be delivered by flaming chariots,
will delight me?
Somehow I have arranged to deny myself
a thousand daily moments of delight.

                                                            Dennis Rivers Prayer Evolving


R. F. Julies said...

I was thinking along these lines today Zolia, I often wonder why it is part of nature to only appreciate something once its gone.

Zed said...

The biggest gift that you can give yourself is being in the 'now'. I particularly dislike that'buzz' word but it is so true. When you are in the now, there is no regret. Only gratitude. For sunshine, friendship, love. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.