Wednesday, 8 June 2011

“The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins night and day and dances in rhythmic measure.  It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth into the numberless blades of grass and breaks into waves of tumultuous flowers.”                                                                  Rabindrananath Tagore

What meaningful events texture and colour your being and living? 

A small pebble conjures up vivid memories of a happy time with friends ...  A photograph takes us back to a moment in time we’d forgotten...   The first scribbles and sayings of our children transport us to the sweetest unconditional love – remember those first gentle butterfly kisses?   Our hearts sing as we find and treasure those awesome times that were meaning-full to us personally.  They are special to us because we have given them meaning.

For the next person who has no insight to our emotional response to that little pebble it’s just a stone.
What’s the big deal?  But  for us, for you and me, these are the threads that richly colour all our lives.

Are all memories good ones? You know the answer to that already.  You also probably know that we mostly drag up the negative ones, the critical ones and run those through our brains most of the time.

They are the ones that keep us from sleeping at night, that fill doctor’s rooms and keep the pharmaceutical companies in business.   Those never-ending re-runs, re-cycling, repetition, repetition, repetition! 

Only you can break the cycle by doing things differently. Review the meaning of the experiences that you hold dear. Treasure good memories.  Find the laughter and the magic that lies buried in your mind waiting for you to recover it.   Warm your heart with wonder and wander around the miracle that you are in every way.

Change your thinking
Change your life 
You can control only
 what you think,
what you feel
 what  you say
 and what you do.

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