A line in the sand...
This is the 21st century, right? Choice is a given.
In the western world you can decide who to be, what career you want, where to live, what to wear, what and when to eat what to read and do. The choices you make may be related to how successful you are, and the state of the economy, your health, your families and friends. What’s important to you stands in the spotlight.
Choices we have reflect the ebb and flow of our lives: sometimes more successful, sometimes less; sometimes good choices and others which we refer to as experience.
And then a line is drawn is the sand…. You walk smack bang into that indelible moment. It changes your life as you know it. You know that nothing will be the same again.
It may be circumstance – you or someone close to you has health challenges; someone precious dies. It may be chance – you lose your job or you’re given an opportunity that requires you to live in another part of the country or the world, away from everything that's known and loved and familiar. It may just be that change has waltzed slowly into your consciousness and you wake up knowing that you’ve had enough! Not another day! This is it! I deserve more!
Whatever the change is, it is inescapable. Now it is up to you to find new meaning for yourself in this new and uncertain place.
The meaning you give to change determines the outcome of your future.
What will change? How will it change? What does the change mean to you specifically and to those you love? If you feel helpless, it becomes more challenging to adjust. Helpless is usually a few steps away from hopeless and that’s a whisper away from feeling worthless, the self esteem saboteur.
Change, that ebb and flow of life, back and forwards, now high now low. This is the nature of things. It is how life functions.
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