Saturday 8 October 2011

How many more self help books can one read, for goodness sake? 
Especially now, when reality is harsh and what you really need is some practical advice on how to keep yourself strong.
Aren't you fed up to the teeth with all the positive thinking, affirmations and goalsetting?   What about focus? How are you getting on with that one? or procrastination - still doing that?  How about:

Change Yourself
Your Thinking Matters
Reframe Your Brain

Practice this Way
Set Goals

What about your Values & Beliefs?
Self-Sabotage - it's all your fault!

Truth is, there are  those who have been trying to tell us how to get the most out of our lives  and it's wisdom we can use.

All  the thinkers in the world are sending out the same message, have you noticed?  Could they be onto something?

The challenge each one of has is to find that micro link that connects us to the universe - which makes sense of what our lives are or could be. That infinitesimal moment when we realise that we can be more.  It makes no difference how we interpret it - as long as it makes sense to us personally.

Tony Robbins is quoted as saying that he attended many, many  courses and lectures and read hundreds of books because if he could find one sentence that made a difference - one statement he could use, it was worth it.

The key is to find a truth you can embrace and keep as your own.  Your own North Star.  The one that makes sense of your life and gives it meaning and motivation.

Now you have something worthwhile.  Something that will hold you steady in turbulence. Something that grounds you when you need it and something that gives you wings when you're ready to fly.  

Practice gratitude and mindlfulness.  It's the first step. 


Monday 26 September 2011

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.


Thursday 8 September 2011

Playfully Serious? Possibly not right now. Not in this economic mess!

I get really mad when I see the chaos the world's financial system has dumped on our doorstep  and it doesn't stop.  Economic crisis to catastrophe is a global event as we speak.

How dare they speculate with:

·       our futures?

·      education?

·      hard-won economic growth? 

     How dare they up-end the stability, the careful financial planning, the "I'll take care of myself and my family responsibly" view that most citizens have,and just toss it to the winds of financial instruments and derivatives?! 

And still they waltz away with sickening bonuses and salaries whilst those who have taken care and have been honourable about their lives are trashed.  How do they sleep at night?

There is a coaching session here.  This is not just a rant.

Every being, even a mere appearance, the smallest detectable sign is endowed with singular force.   The truth is that man., especially living man is endowed with the privilege of possessing the most active and dynamic force of all.    Alassane Ndaw

From their parents and grandparents, children learn traditions and morals.   In return they surround their elders with respect and concern.   From other children of the same age, they learn the notions of equality and helping one another.  Listening to one another with respect enables them to find their own place and thereby become more aware of their rights and duties in regard to the rest of the worldEast African Schoolmaster 

Now that the world has changed significantly, how do you stop yourself thinking the unthinkable?  What meaning holds you together? Go ahead.  Give yourself the fullest permission to reclaim yourself, your life and your soul. 
Take some time to reflect what the smallest thing you can do that will have the most impact on your life is, and  then just do it!