How many more self help books can one read, for goodness sake?
Aren't you fed up to the teeth with all the positive thinking, affirmations and goalsetting? What about focus? How are you getting on with that one? or procrastination - still doing that? How about:
Change YourselfYour Thinking Matters
Reframe Your Brain
Practice this Way
Set Goals
What about your Values & Beliefs?
Self-Sabotage - it's all your fault!
Truth is, there are those who have been trying to tell us how to get the most out of our lives and it's wisdom we can use.
All the thinkers in the world are sending out the same message, have you noticed? Could they be onto something?
The challenge each one of has is to find that micro link that connects us to the universe - which makes sense of what our lives are or could be. That infinitesimal moment when we realise that we can be more. It makes no difference how we interpret it - as long as it makes sense to us personally.
Tony Robbins is quoted as saying that he attended many, many courses and lectures and read hundreds of books because if he could find one sentence that made a difference - one statement he could use, it was worth it.
The key is to find a truth you can embrace and keep as your own. Your own North Star. The one that makes sense of your life and gives it meaning and motivation.
Now you have something worthwhile. Something that will hold you steady in turbulence. Something that grounds you when you need it and something that gives you wings when you're ready to fly.
Practice gratitude and mindlfulness. It's the first step.